The Hybrid Advantage: Why Rideshare Drivers Should Consider Adding Scheduled Routes

Driver Resources October 9th, 2023

The world of rideshare driving is both hectic and unpredictable. One moment you might be picking up a tourist headed to the airport, and the next, a couple going to a downtown restaurant. But what if there was a way to combine the spontaneity of on-call rideshare with the stability of fixed contracts? Enter the world of the “hybrid driver.”

What is a Hybrid Driver?

A hybrid driver is someone who not only works on-demand as a typical rideshare driver but also has set contracts offering dependable, scheduled routes. This combination allows for both flexibility and predictability in their work.

Benefits of Becoming a Hybrid Driver

  • Consistent Income: While rideshare offers earnings based on demand, scheduled routes can provide more consistent income. This consistency can help drivers better plan their finances and have a more stable income flow.
  • Balanced Work Schedule: Scheduled routes typically have set timings, allowing drivers to plan their day better. Once their scheduled routes are done, they can switch to on-call rideshare to maximize earnings.
  • Build Relationships: Regular routes mean seeing the same clients repeatedly. This familiarity can lead to better tips, a more pleasant work environment, and potential networking opportunities.
  • Reduce “Idle” Time: One of the downsides of pure rideshare is the potential for idle / non-earning time during off-peak hours. By having scheduled routes, drivers can ensure they’re always on the move and earning.
  • Diversified Work: Doing both rideshare and scheduled routes breaks the monotony. It offers a mix of experiences, from meeting new people in rideshare to the familiarity of regular clients on scheduled routes.

Making the Transition

If you’re a rideshare driver considering the shift to becoming a hybrid driver:

  • Research Local Opportunities: Look for companies or platforms like CBDriver that offer scheduled route contracts. These could be for medical contract routes, auto parts deliveries, florists, restaurant supplies, or other delivery needs.
  • Network: Talk to other drivers, join forums, or attend local driver meet-ups. Other drivers can provide insights into the best scheduled route opportunities in your area.
  • Stay Organized: Juggling on-call rideshare and scheduled routes requires organization. Use apps or planners to keep track of your schedules and optimize your routes.


The world of driving is unpredictable and hectic.  While rideshare offers flexibility, becoming a hybrid driver by adding scheduled routes can provide the stability many drivers seek. It’s all about finding the right balance and making the most of the opportunities out there. So, why not get the best of both worlds? Register with to find driving contract opportunities in your area today. Sign up for free and get alerts when new driver contract ads are posted near you.